

Integration Why is integration, which is mixing the two businesses together after the completion, so important? The reason is most transaction fail to deliver the value expected for the buyer. Why is this? In their book Why deals fail & How to Rescue Them, the...
Business Recovery

Business Recovery

Business Recovery Business recovery is pretty high up on our agenda, right now. Our first step, I believe, is making sense of where we are now, then our trajectory will become clearer.  I advise people on the sale and acquisition of small to medium-sized* businesses....
Social Media a Risk in Business Sales?

Social Media a Risk in Business Sales?

Social media – Why is it a Risk in Business Sales? Is Social Media a risk in a business sale? We all know something about Social Media but what are the risks of social media for business when it is sold? Due diligence by a buyer starts as soon as it knows the name of...

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